Shopify schema and breadcrumbs

Schema Shopify

Schema is an advanced markup code added to your website. Websites with Schema are easier for search engines and other crawlers to index, meaning it’s easier for them to understand the content of your store, and serve it to more relevant people.

I can only assume that this is not a topic you hear a lot of talk about. If you are not a developer of course.

In any case schema is quite important to your Shopify store. We are almost in 2020, the internet is full with websites, e-commerce platforms and stores, apps, etc...In a such competitive world, every small detail makes a difference.

Shopify schema

You can see in the above image the difference schema markup can make for a product search on google. They are two different websites, but the first one has a much more detailed result, telling hte customer a lot more details about the product.

  1. Breadcrumbs: " > Smartphones > Apple" - tells exactly where on the website is the product and you can click on any of the breadcrumbs to go to that respective page
  2. Reviews and rating - shows the aggregate rating and the number of reviews people left for this product
  3. Price - shows the lowest and highest price for the product ( or items related )
  4. Stock information -  tells the customer if the product is in stock or not, even before clicking on the search result
  5. Description - the same standard description as a normal search result

Clearly there are a lot of benefits. Four new details were shown to the customer right when he made the search. Guess which one he is going to trust more? That`s right, you never know ( still 80% of the cases it will be the most detailed ).

So how do I use schema on Shopify?

You do not have to be a developer to use schema on Shopify, you do not even have to know how to edit your theme code. On Shopify there is always an app that does the job - Schema & Breadcrumbs.

This app is the most simple app that can add schema for Shopify, plus you also get do display breadcrumb navigation on your storefront.

The video below will show you exactly how to use the app and for more info and FAQ, here is the app details page


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